
Activity Books
Recognizing the importance of learning about the legislative process, Lauren worked for several years to create a 28 page Hawai‘i State Government Activity Book that has been distributed in hard copy and digitally to all the schools in the district.
Jump Rope
Since she was 5 years old Lauren has been performing jump rope routines across the state with American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart Program. Now as a legislator she still jumps at schools talking to students about living healthy and active lifestyles.
Trunk Or Treat
Every year Lauren participates in multiple Trunk or Treat events across the community to help to provide a safe and fun family event. She hand paints her booth and dresses up to match and has been many characters over the years such as Elsa from Frozen and Bo Peep from Toy Story!
Lauren participates in several reading days at the elementary schools across the state. One of her favorite events is Read Across America. One of her favorite books to read to students is Grace for President.
Sign Waving for Safe Driving
Traffic is a significant issue in our community and it is important to remind everyone to drive safely and with aloha. Anytime there is an opportunity to sign wave with HPD, MHS students and other community members, it is an honor to participate.
Graffiti Clean-Up
On numerous occasions I have joined both the Rotary Club and students from Mililani High School alongside the Honolulu Police Department to clean up graffiti in Mililani Town. Our community is so beautiful and it is always wonderful to partner with neighbors, small business owners, elected officials and law encforcement to keep it that way.
School Supply Drive
Education is among my top priorities. Without the proper supplies it is hard for students to fully engage at school and hinders their educational progress. I have been able help distribute supplies, food and hygiene products to their students and their families. I love how schools in our community invest in not only the education of their students, but in their entire family, health and wellbeing.
Associated Students of MHS
The Associated Student Council at MHS is made up of students dedicated to creating a healthy and positive culture in their schools. It is my joy and privilege the last several years to work with them on projects and present them with awards including the Gold Council of Excellence Award. I am so impressed with these students and have so much confidence in the future leaders of our community.
Capitol Talk & Tour
Every October, Lauren hosts a Capitol Talk and Tour during fall break to allow families to come to the Hawai‘i State Capitol to learn about government and the history of the Capitol building. This outreach aims to help families get engaged in the legislative process and teach them how to best have their voices heard.
Graduations & Award Ceremonies
Lauren makes it a point to attend all the schools in her district’s graduation and award ceremonies from elementary school to high school. She also works directly with the teachers and administration to award students who have been identified as those who go above and beyond in their school work as well as in community service with a legislative certificate.
Malama Mask
Lauren started a project at the beginning of the pandemic, #malamamasks, to provide 7,000 masks for essential workers. The #malamamasks project has helped donate masks to essential workers for every employee in over 50 local businesses; the teachers and staff at the schools in her district; and to the entire Honolulu Fire Department.
Easter Basket Drive
As a co-convener of the Hawai‘i State Women’s Legislative Caucus, Lauren is the organizer of the annual Easter Basket Drive to collect necessities for women and children in need. Every year an average of 150 baskets are collected to give to organizations like the Institute for Human Services, Salvation Army, and other domestic violence outreach programs.
Character Counts Fair
Lauren and her husband built multiple giant games for Mililani’s annual Character Counts Fair. In addition to the games for the children to play, Lauren provides a legislative character pledge certificate and an activity book for students to learn about the legislative process.
Internship Program
When she was first elected one of the first things Lauren did was set up a High School and College Internship program to invest in future leaders. Internships give students insight into the local legislative process and inspire students to work to improve our community, district, and state.
Kupuna Outreach
When she was first elected one of the first things Lauren did was set up a High School and College Internship program to invest in future leaders. Internships give students insight into the local legislative process and inspire students to work to improve our community, district, and state.
Peter’s Prom
Every year since serving at Miss Hawai‘i Lauren has volunteered at Peter’s Prom, which is an annual event designed for special needs individuals ages 14 -35 and their families to attend in lieu of their high school prom. Lauren and her husband work to organize volunteers to run a photo booth for the students to ensure they have the best prom experience!