State House Representative Lauren Cheape Matsumoto is an approachable and visible leader who was born and raised in Mililani. Like multiple generations of her family before her, Lauren is deeply involved in our community and has always made it her priority to make sure you are heard, respected and included in the legislative process. Her experience and willingness to work collaboratively is what we need for a stronger future.
Vote to re-elect Representative Lauren Cheape Matsumoto to continue serving you.

Meet Lauren Cheape Matsumoto
Born in the community and as a mother of two young children, Lauren personally understands the needs of the families in our area. Throughout her tenure in the legislature she has served on various committees and leadership positions in both the State House and national organizations. With her deep roots in the district Lauren is passionate about making a difference.

“Lauren was one of our 7th grade students and we were always amazed at how much drive and compassion she has to serve those around her. She is a great role model and representative for our community. Please support her this November.”
Mr. Chris Justo and Ms. Amy Townsend, Mililani Educators
Ways to Support Lauren